Monday, October 31, 2011

"dieeeee, internet generation kid, dieeeee"

Those are the exact words my dad said to me when I had a panic attack about our modem just dyinggggggggggg on us on thursday.
& why in the 21st century does it take an internet service provider 4 days to have someone come out & replace a modem (and the outside wires that somehow got all messed up outta nowhere)?!
So what does one whose laptop is pretty much glued to her fingertips do without internet connection for 4 days?
1. make many attempts to steal wireless from neighbors
2. cry about those failed attempts.
3. nap.
4. discover new television channels (i.e. CLOO).
5. extra GRE prep.
6. nap.
Oh and I worked a couple shifts at the "store" in between there...

I wish I could say that I went out & lived life & was way more productive without the internet, but thats just NOT the case. I had so much to do - emails to send out, applications to start. It was such a set back, but i've got a brand new modem & a faster connection...i'm ready to hit the ground running!

But I also did a lot of thinking about what I used to do before I became so dependent on the internet.

Remember when all we had was AOL dial up, and if our mothers/fathers/sisters/brothers/etc... needed to make a phone call that was pretty much it for our AIM conversations? What did we do when we shuffled off to our rooms? homework? day dream? wait patiently until the longgggg (& seemingly unnecessary) phone convo was over?


oh & a lovelyyyyyyy shout out! & graciassss to Maike who gave meee a lil shout in herrrr blog ::bows::
check it out *HERE*

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