Sunday, October 9, 2011

Snooki Is A New York Times "Best Selling Author"

This fact might lead some to think "well if she can do it I can DEFINITELY do it!"
All it does is cause me to ask myself "Why bother?"
I will be the first to admit that Jersey Shore is one of my guilty pleasures. Until recently I tuned into that show religiously & was known to watch the same exact episode a couple hours later just so I could be entertained all over again, but do I think Snooki should have 2 published books before I do? Absolutely not!
Its bad enough she's getting paid thousands of dollars an episode to do things that must of us do for free every weekend, but now shes reaching & even surpassing my life goals? before me? How dare she!
I've known since I was 10 years old that I wanted to write novels for a living. I filled up a 1 subject 70 page notebook with a terrible mystery story starring all the members of my very small 5th grade class & read it over & over again victoriously, thinking "this is what I want to do always."
It wasn't until yearssss later that I found out that only about 1% of writers actually get published.
Devastating right?
At first, it didn't phase me, but the fact that Snooki & her busty companion J-Woww are both now in that 1% phases me.
I spent 4 years of my life writing & re-writing-learning & perfecting my craft-and its possible that nothing will come of it.
Snooki & Jwoww? all they had to do was tan,give themselves ridiculous nicknames, & get drunk on public television & Presto! Book deal!
So again I ask myself "Why bother???"
What does it say about the industry when Snooki is a new york times best seller?
Who bought this book? I'd like to meet them...I just have a few questions.
Would they ever read my books? Would I want them too?
How long did it take snooki to write this book anyway? A shore thing, a "novel" about 2 girls at the shore for the summer - how original? how...creative?
Do I sound bitter?
I'm a little bitter...

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