Sunday, October 16, 2011

Vice [Vahys]

1. an immoral or evil habit or practice. Synonyms: fault, failing, foible, weakness. Antonyms: virtue.

[Unfortunately] I think its pretty common knowledge that I enjoy a good happy hour. I like adult beverages & I like spending as little money as possible - but I guess doubling up on the beverages kind of defeats the purpose right? I digress...
While I wouldn't call my affinity for $5 margaritas "immoral" or "evil habit" I do think it is definitely a bit of a weakness.

If you're 21+ & living in NYC I think you've discovered by now that even though you think you've found all the bargains, "going out" is pretty expensive! Every $3 well drink, every $4 draft, every $3 PBR can/Whiskey Shot combo definitely adds up.

I've been trying to save up for ummm about a year now? and I've struggled and it blew my mind because I'd never had such a hard time.
When I was at school in New Hampshire I was making significantly less & had more money to my name then than I do now that I'm making twice as much. How is that possible?

Yes I have to factor in things like transportation ($108 monthly metrocards) & the amount of money I spend on food in Times Square, but I also tend to just throw money at waitresses & bartenders like its nothing. I justify it by saying "wellllll I like it sooooo", but like really? I know this "lifestyle" is financially draining yet I have just refused to make the necessary cutbacks.

Well no more!
I've decided I'm taking a little break.
My initial time frame was from now until January 1 2012, but if it can last longer than that why not? When I became a vegetarian in 2005 I had absolutely no idea i'd still be one now in 2011.

Not only do I need to do this for my bank account, but I kind of think I need to do this for me. My fondness for coconut flavored rum has taken on a bit of a negative connotation and I don't like it one bit.
This is not something that should define me so if I have to distance myself from it for a lil while I'll do it. I shouldn't feel bad about anything I do ya know? and I think in order to get back to place of feeling good about my decisions I need this break.
It will be somewhat of a detox - cleansing.

I'm excited about this decision I'm making. I'm excited to spend my time working on other things & I'm excited to save.
I'm excited to start over.

...& as for my other vice, shopping, ehhhh...i mean we can't walk around naked right?
you can shop online at zara now

this is about baby steps people ; )

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