Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Phew, for a minute there I lost myself, I lost myself..."**

Have you ever just woken up one day, looked yourself in the mirror, and asked "who am i?"
Lately I do this all the time. I'm never really sure who I'm asking. Am I asking myself? That's definitely a question I'm struggling to answer right now.
There is one place in particular that I walk into everyday & I can feel the change. I become a different person and I'm starting to notice it now...and i'm starting to hate it. I'm starting to hate her. Who is this girl??? so blatantly inauthentic. Would I even be friends with this girl if she wasn't "me"?
What has changed exactly? and why?
I think that what bothers me most about this other girl is that no one knows the difference between us. They have these presumptions now, these notions, these expectation (good & bad). They think this girl is the real me & she's not. She's an imposter.

I used to be pretty sure of who I was & who I was going to be. Now I don't even know.
I miss the knowing.
Yes some of the change has been good & sometimes its okay that some of the lines are blurred
But theres still something about this girl that makes me uneasy, uncomfortable.
I don't like her reputation. I don't like the decisions she makes.
I think I like her best when she is dormant, but I think I'd definitely like her better if she didn't exist.
I think I have so much more to offer than she does, and I may even be a bit more much of a stretch as that is.

I think its safe to assume that we all have felt this way at some point in time...kind of lost.
Feeling like we've lost ourselves.
Wanting to find them again.

Can I reintroduce myself?*

* Yes, as soon as i wrote this "allow me to reintroduce mnyself my name is HOV..." started looping in my brain.
**Kudos to anyone who knows what song this is from.


  1. Interesting, if I didn't meet your true self the I would like to speak with her one day.
