Sunday, November 6, 2011

"Are you waiting for someone?"

I was tempted to say "yes!" - who goes to concerts alone ya know?

Well as of thursday, I do ::nods::

I tried out the going to the movies alone thing & found that to be pretty harmless. I actually quite enjoyed it & have done it maybe 2 or 3 times - before noon because its wayyy cheaper ::nods::
I've even tackled eating in restaurants alone. I didn't think I could do it, but I did! & now dining alone is something I kinda sorta enjoy...but not on date nights!

Despite the baby steps I've taken away from reliance on a 2nd or 3rd party going to a concert alone was never ever on my list of things to do. How lonely ya know? & what would the packs of concert goers think of me?
This weekend I learned to shed all that insecurity!

Back in september when I found out that childish gambino tickets were going on sale in 2 hours I jumped at the chance to get a ticket, but first I did desperate companion hunting. I knew only 2 people in this world who'd be just as eager to score gambino tickets, but both my best friend & twin brother were hoursssss away.
Despite that I bought the ticket. I figured why miss out on the chance to see Donald Glover (for the 2nd time) ya know?

Cut to months later!
Chromeo tickets are on sale! They're playing the same venue as gambino in the sameeee weekend! What are the odds?!
2 of my favorite acts ever in town in the same weekend!
I hesitated to buy a ticket to that show because again I would be companion-less. I knew only 2 people in this world who'd want to see chromeo as much as I did! But again! Hourssss away! - curse you sasha & rudar!
The tickets sold out & I figured that was that...until! Only 2 days before the show they released more tickets! & before I could even register things my fingers were moving & my ticketmaster account was processing the transaction! A chromeo ticket was mine!

Was I ready to brave these two shows on my own?

I felt like I had been thrown into a pack of wolves. Childish Gambino has a pretty diverse fan base, but I felt like everyone there was 13 years old. There was one kid in a spiderman hoodie w/ matching fitted hat & packs of squealing girls that I can assume are from poughkeepsie or somewhere outside the city. There were couples...lotssss & lotsssss of couples! Varying in age. All super excited, all super loud. I sat quietly in line on the ground w/ my headphones in & cell phone in hand - observing everything.
Doors opened promptly at 7 & everyone rushed in. The of age heading to one of the 3 bars, the underage running to the barricade. I settled on a spot on the 2nd floor close to the bar & the bathroom & surprisingly close to the stage. It was my perch for the night.
I figured I'd blend into the crowd pretty well, but being alone at a show actually makes you stand out.
While waiting in line I had one guy asked me if I was waiting for someone. When I said no I didn't get the reaction I was expecting. His understanding was that I was some kind of super fan who just had to be at the show - which was actually true. But can't someone want to just enjoy some live music fan or not?
He welcomed me into his circle of friends talking to me throughout the entire wait, but once we got inside I ditched them...for the sake of my social experiment.

When you go to a concert with another person or maybe 2 or 3. Having to use the bathroom isn't really ever that big of a problem, but when you're trying to save your perfect spot at a sold out show, being alone isn't ideal. Fortunately! There was a nice couple right next to me who was totally willing to hold my tiny spot while I ran to & from the bathroom (& the bar...only 1 light beer! I've seen enough episodes of disappeared to know that drinking too much at a venue in a sketchy part of town isn't the best decision one could ever make).

Finally at 8pm on the dot! DJ SoSuperSam started spinning! She's the cutest most "swagged" out asian I've ever seen & her set was a good start to the night.
9:15 on the dot?! Childish hit the stage! & once he started it was pretty easy to forget that you were alone or that you were there with a ton of other people. It was all about him & the music! For an hour & a half none of the 3,000 people at Terminal 5 even spoke to another person they were too busy staring at the donald in awe & screaming the lyrics to his songs.
It wasn't until 10:38 that we all came back down to earth & started talking to the people we came with
Or in my case found an ATM, bought a tshirt, & promptly found the exit.

Saturday!: Chromeo!
It didn't surprise me that the line wouldn't be as long because chromeo wasn't scheduled to go on stage until 10:30pm but I wanted to secure my perfect spot from thursday which I did! There are benefits to showing up early!

As I set up at my perch P-Thugg was on stage setting up! Breakbot was scheduled for 8pm so that was another benefit (youtube their song baby I'm yours & fall in loveeee)

The most awkward part about going solo or being a "lone wolf" as my brother so lovingly put it is the waiting but like I said before once the music starts it doesn't even matter any more.
Unfortunately, my perfect spot wasn't so perfect. I ended up surrounded by a really obnoxious group. One girl kept bumping into me & touching me & spilling her drink all over the floor - my dirty looks did nothing to deter her obnoxious-ness. Don't get me wrong I'm all about having a good time - but can you please stop caressing my thigh? It was not at all surprising to me -but apparently surprising to all her friends- that 30 minutes into the show ms. obnoxious was puking all over herself & eventually passed out on the ground by my feet. She didn't wake up until about 45 minutes into the chromeo set, so he had about a 2 hour nap.
So obviously with the source of my annoyance passed out in her own vomit, my night got wayyyy better!
Breakbot's set was great! - anyone who opens with some funk, coasts with some classics, and closes with 10 crack commandments is okay in my book!
After breakbot came Mayer Hawthorne who I had neverrrrr heard of but who I am now absolutelyyy in love with!
please youtube his song "just ain't gonna work out" orrrr his version of "gansta luv"
The studio versions do him no justice - you have to see this man & his band live!
I'm always pretty weary about opening acts that I've never heard of but this was a very welcome surprise.
and finally...right on time...Dave1 & P-Thugg...CHROMEO!
Do I have enough time to go into how amazing this show was? I really don't.
but I will say this!
If I could go to a Chromeo concert every night I would & I would pay for it every time & if I had to...I would go alone!
because like I said once the music started, that was it! no one had a word to say to anyone else unless they were shouting the lyrics to bonafied lovin'.
I felt like I was in a daze - & it wasn't entirely because of the second hand smoke from the illegal substance the tweens managed to smuggle into the venue.

So what did I learn this weekend? I am stronger than I thought I was - more secure. The old me never would have gone to a concert alone. I like this new me that is more concerned about not missing out on something great ya know? It was a pretty good feeling. Yes I got a lil lonely between sets & I had sooo much to say about all the great music, but all in all I'd say I actually enjoyed it!
& Its definitely something I'd suggest.
Next time Benny Mardones is in town & you justttttt can't miss it b/c you belt out "into the night" at karaoke...Try it out! : )

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