Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Currently Reading

But first!

I finished Downtown Owl by Chuck Klosterman the other night, and it kind of meant more to me than I could ever really explain...but I will try.

I used to be such a voracious [had to use it! - one of my fav words. mostly because it ends in -ious) reader - meaning I used to read A LOT. I have boxes of books from my elementary school days: nancy drew series, sabrina the teenage witch, sweet valley high, babysitters club...& I have most of the books from my teen years: gossip girl series etc...
& then theres the trunk in the basement filled with all the contemporary lit I started compiling once I hit college - both the required reading & the books I read & re-read for pleasure...
There was something about assigned books that sucked the love of reading right out of me at times, but I was always able to get that back come winter break.
When I got The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao from my brother for Christmas a couple years ago I woke up one afternoon a few days later & read & read & read until it had been almost 8 hours & i was done (i had to break for meals & a lil interwebbing obvi).
Thats the kind of reader I was but then I lost it. I think maybe around the same time that I lost my motivation for most other things like ya Its been a long time since I've done most of the things I used to love to do so when I finished Downtown Owl in just a matter of days (maybe weeks but I mean I was only reading on the train soooo hmmmm 1 hour commutes to & from work for about 2 weeks...days...maybe even less than 24 hours soooo possibly even 1 day?) I felt this overwhelming sense of relief. not accomplishment. relief. I felt like my old self again and even more so when I got home & immediately took my bookmark* out of Downtown Owl & put it into The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen which I am already loving.
You know that really anxious feeling you get when you're getting wayyy too close to the end of a good book?
I can't wait to feel that again
(I almost stopped reading Downtown Owl because I didn't want it to be over...ever).

so steps ::nods::

Shout out to strand -one of my favorite places everrr- for having both books for less than $6 each!
They are both great ways to ease myself back into 2666 by Roberto Bolano, a book that I have been reading for about 3 years now.

Oh & really, girl who kicked the hornets nest? when are you going to be released in paperback so that I may read you??? The hardcover is 1. too expensive 2. too heavy** & 3. will mess up my collection of the millenium triology in paperback!

*more on my awesome bookmark to come ::nods::
** e-books? we will discuss...

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