Monday, October 24, 2011

...& my head already feels like its about to explode.

My brain hurts.

-end post-

No but really. I'm less than 48 hours into the graduate school application process and i'm already kinda, sorta completely over it. Its been almost 6 years since my undergraduate application process, and that was cake compared to this, and back then I had no idea what I was doing.
Not only do I have to write the required admissions essay, but I also have to seemingly pull 15 pages of "nonfiction prose" out of thin air.
This is what I get for deviating from my original plan.
Original plan: MFA in Creative Writing
New plan: MA in Publishing & Writing
I've already got about 60 pages of fiction just sitting around on a flash drive.
I dug through my undergrad notebooks and was able to find about 6 pages total of some mediocre essays I wrote for my sophomore year nonfiction workshop.
Its going to take some real talent to turn that into anything I'd want anyone reading...ever.
& as if that wasn't enough of a bump in the road to my master's degree, I also discovered that this program is one of the ONLY liberal arts/writing programs to require the GRE!


& my face for the next 51 days will look something like this -> O_O as I spend almost all of my free time reacquainting myself with the dreaded standardized test, memorizing vocabulary, & trying to acquire the intermediate math skills I failed to acquire many many many times before.

Needless to say I've got a lot to get done in a very short period of time.

GRE test date: December 15
Application deadline: January 15

How will I get through this?
1. Taking deep breaths
I'm prone to getting overwhelmed pretty easily & quickly. I've got to remember to just breathe.

2. Giving myself a lil more credit
I've really got to stop freaking out. Its as if I haven't done this before and that is so not the case. I've taken many a standardized test & I have written many an essay. So why am I feeling so overwhelmed? Possibly because its been almost 2 years since I've had to do anything like this? Part of me regrets taking so much time off...but I think I can do this. Actually I'm pretty certain I can do this, I just have to...get out of bed.

"Studying" in bed has proved to be somewhat impossible since my body is seemingly programmed to just shut down as soon as it hits my mattress.
I'm going to try sitting indian style on the floor, and if that doesn't prove to be better for me & my quantitative reasoning skills then maybeeee i'll try sitting at the steps.

Wish me luck!...because I reallyyyyy need it.

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