Thursday, September 15, 2011

What Would Oprah Do?

Its something I often ask myself.
She is my unofficial guru [ice-t being my official one], and if I want to get really crazy I say she's kind of like my own personal Jesus. I want to be her. I want what she has. I want it all. I can do without the fame, but the wisdom, the confidence, the money?!
You know when someone is just so great at what they do? When they just do it so effortlessly that it seems unreal and you just want to ask "whats your secret?"
Oprah is just great at living, and when people ask "O, what is your secret?" I'm sure she'll say "hard work, determination, perseverence..."
BUT! she may also admit to using a lil bit of "hocus pocus."
I'd heard about "The Secret" after that episode of the Oprah show dedicated to spreading "the good news" about the secret, what it did for oprah, what it did for rhonda byrne, & what it could do for "you", but it was not until i'd reached one of my lowest points that i'd even given it any serious thought. It was 2008, and I was curled up in a ball in my bed in my lonely single dorm in Manchester, New Hampshire. I was sad, I was lonely, I was "depressed" (cut to 2011 & i'm still all of those things but not to that degree...). Mostly I was fed up with the way things were going for me & I wanted to do something about it...but what could I do? Then I remembered "The Secret."
I requested the book from the library & spent the next couple of days reading & learning all about the "law of attraction". It explained to me that all that I was feeling - all the sadness, the loneliness, the depression etc - I had brought on myself. That was pretty difficult to accept. Why would I want to feel that way? Why would I want to be in that bad situation?
I wanted to stop reading then, but I didn't.
Yes, I was bringing this negative energy into my life, but I could definitely turn that around. I could attract good things. I could attract positive situations. I could get anything I wanted. Not only could I get it, but I deserved it.
So how does one go about getting everything they want? anything they desire?
Fake it. You kind of have to play this game with yourself. You want a new car? Sit down in a chair & pretend your in that new car. Not only do you have to pretend, you have to believe it. Believe that is your new car & eventually you will find yourself sitting in that new car. get it? I didn't get it at first. I thought it was crazy talk.
They also suggest making "visualization boards". I cut out pictures of everything I wanted and put it on a board in my room & i looked at it every day. I pretended I had those things. I believed they were mine, and can you believe it actually worked?
In a short amount of time I had those things. I remember being hesitant -as i always am - so I started off slow. I wanted this guy to add me on facebook (terrible right?) so I visualized it & it happened! I couldn't believe it. It kind of freaked me out actually. It was working for me! Something was working for me!...but then it STOPPED! it stopped working. Why? i was skeptical. I thought I had given myself to it completely. I wrote little notes around my room, I posted pictures everywhere, I had direct quotes from the book [& documentary]...I was OPRAH! but there was always some doubt stored away there in the back of my mind, and you can't do that! you can't doubt, not even a little bit. You have to be strong, and strong I was not.
But i'm ready to try again ::nods::
I'm at that point again. That very low point that drives me [back] to this "hocus pocus."
I need to channel my inner oprah [& ice-t]!
Do you think I can do it?
Who wants to attempt this with me??? anyone??? anyoneeeeee???
look for the movie/documentary on NETFLIX instant ::nods::
hit me up for a digital copy ^.^

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