Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Lesson in Patience?

I've been trying this "new outlook" on life thing. I am trying to be positive & I've been trying to stay in a consistently good mood.
Keyword = trying.
I started my day in what I would describe as a pretty decent mood, and I expected it to only get better or stay consistently "decent" did not.
It was kind of like hitting a brick wall. I was fine, and then I wasn't. I was moving in a positive direction, and then I stopped suddenly and completely, and it seemed as if there was no way around this "wall" so I stopped trying.
Then the flooding started.
Theres this book that i've been reading & using for over a year now. Its called "stop overreacting" Its this book about controlling your emotions, and flooding is when something/someone/some situation triggers a flood of thoughts that leads to some kind of overreaction [i feel like i didn't explain that in a way that makes any sense at the book].
so then the flooding started
pI think they call it flooding because you ended up just struggling & drowning ya know?]
and it left me completely incapable of having a fully functional day.
I was in a really negative place and I'm disappointed that I let myself get & stay there.
I think I was being tested. I think I was supposed to turn that bad situation I was in completely around & I failed.
I didn't take the time to really think things through before I let it all get the best of me.
There was definitely a way around that "wall" & If I had just been patient I would have found it.

So what did I learn today?

Yes, I'm trying, but I've got to try harder.
Well played, universe, well played

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