Friday, March 16, 2012

I thought I was invincible...

Its March 16th & 2 days ago it was 73 degrees...I figured I was in the clear. I managed to make it through the winter season without getting sick...or so I thought.
Everyone at work was sick & I was able to tip-toe my way around it. I took pride in my immune system & the way it had fought off the little inkling of a cold I had 2 weeks ago. I never made it past stage 1 & I loved it.

Cut to tonight...around 8pm...a sneeze.

I never sneeze -not even when I walk into a room that has just been over-febreezed. My nasal passage isn't at all overly sensitive - so when I sneezed tonight I just knew.

& then it happened again. another sneeze. & again ANOTHER SNEEZE.

I made it all the way home & as I walked through my doors I could feel that tickle in my throat. uh oh. so I broke out the echinacea.

I swear by it. Whenever I feel the tiniest bit of a cold symptom coming on I take 2 echinacea pills, drink some OJ or eat an orange & go back to sleep for an hour or 2 & when I wake up I feel as healthy as I was the day I was born. My house is all out of pills so I drank some echinacea tea instead...& i'm still waiting for it to kick in.

I fell asleep for a few hours only to shocked awake by a SNEEZE.

::insert panic here::

I can't get sick. I can't afford to get sick. I have St. Patricks day plans. who has time to be sick in bed for the next few days?! not me...

so I am awake trying everything I can to nip this cold in the bud (or in the butt as sasha b & one of the mob "wives" would say)

I ate an orange, I took one of my ADULT gummy vitamins, & naturally I googled "ways to stop a cold before it starts"

I found an article on & this is what it suggests (& how it relates to me right now at 5:03 am)

1. As soon as you start feeling symptoms start drinking water or juice: done. luckily in the past couple of months i've been getting over my hatred for water & its lack of flavor. I have a 33.8 fluid oz bottle of water next to me right now & I intend to get through the next hour

2.Gargle with salt water : does anyone else loveeee gargling with salt water? Its supposed to help soothe the itchiness, irritation etc & also get rid of the bacteria...I just gargled maybe 10mins ago & it has yet to start working...HURRY!

3. Skip the over the counter cough medicine - use honey: Already had some honey in my tea! & I totally have no qualms about just eating it by the spoonful...if this salt doesnt start doing the trick, i'm heading to the kitchen to squeeze the life out of that honey filled bear.

4. Over the next few hours skip work if you can: I can't. I actually have to be up in 2 hours to head to work 2 hours earlier than I was supposed to which will actually stunt my recover but its okay theres a free breakfast in it for me!

5. Don't forget the fluids: they suggest chicken soup, but what says them for us vegetarians??? NADA! just lots of water & OJ I guess...

6. Shake it off!: next to this one they have a girl doing yoga...if i could do some yoga right now i would! but its 5:18 am & i'm watching friends...& this.I didn't go to class at all this week - is it possible that my immune system was affected by this?!

7. The Next day - All better?: If i wake up the next day or in 1 hour & I have a fever, start puking up the orange I ate, & ya know anything else like that then i've definitely got something more than the common cold & for that they suggest I see a doctor. Considering that my doctor is my father & he is not a doctor I really, really hope that this is just a silly little cold that will be out of my system in no time.

My immune system has forsaken me, but I will not give in! I'm heading to Jamba Juice ASAP to get a COLD BUSTER in the largest size they offer & if that doesn't work

well then i'm just gonna go around coughing on everything because if i'm going to be sick, we're all going to be sick together.

Yes, I mean all of New York City...

Oh look at that! the episode of friends when Monica is sick & in denial is on! [great timing nick@nite!]

& with that I will leave you with one of her best quotes & my motto for the next 24 hours

"getting sick is for weaklings! Its for pansies!"

*don't you wish you could look as awesome & healthy when you're sick as that girl does? she clearly has like strep throat but those pink pillows are making her glow...that & the sweat.

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