Sunday, March 18, 2012

I am a mess.

I skipped yoga last week & I am convinced that is the root of all my current problems.
I'm feeling "off": overwhelmed, exhausted, confused, & emotionally unstable.
If you know me really well you're probably thinking "aren't you always overwhelmed, exhausted, emotionally unstable, & a little bit confused?"
Yes, good observation BUT ever since I started my yoga routine i've been a little less "off" & its been great.

I feel like the universe was even working with me more. I was getting everything I wanted - feeling wayyy more positive about things & feeling that much more grateful.
Physically I felt good, mentally I felt great!...but then I woke up last tuesday with every intention of going to class but decided not to for the first time in months and now i'm suffering the consequences.

How did I manage to make it the entire winter season without getting sick, but a couple days after I skip class I catch a cold?
How did I manage to stay mentally on track and then a couple days after I skip class I have a very public emotional breakdown? (second only to that of the KONY 2012 creator)

Before I started practicing I never really believed in that mind-body connection but the week i've had is definitely proof.

I'm going to class tomorrow & I couldn't be more excited [said excitement will pass once I go into my first downward facing dog].

It'll be a good way to start off the new week!

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