Sunday, March 4, 2012


1. see that movie. its amazing...
2. in the movie one of the characters talks about gratitude and how conscious she is of thanking the powers that be for all the good that comes her way - all the "happy" a believer/supporter/good word spreader/skeptic of the secret i ate that right up & adopted "happythankyoumoreplease" which is a pretty simple way to make sure you're giving thanks...

that being said:

i've been chanting "happythankyoumoreplease" almost every hour on the hour since yesterday because i was officially accepted to the publishing & writing program at emerson college!

As you may (or may not) know (depending on how closely you follow the goings on of my life...which is probably not very closely at all unless you're one of the friends i force to listen to me rant about the goings on of my life) i have been waiting impatiently/anxiously for my decision from ec.

i was actually starting to think that maybe i hadn't heard back yet because they were hunting for someone who had actually gotten into graduate school to skillfully craft my rejection letter.

can you even begin to imagine the feeling i had when i listened to my voicemail and had a missed call from the assistant director of grad admissions?
it is my opinion that one has not fully experienced nervousness until their entire body is shaking right down to the bone.

that phone call could have gone 2 ways - either i was going to be accepted or i was going to be rejected, but as the phone was ringing it felt like there were a million different possibilities.

long story short: emerson called because the original acceptance letter they sent me had the wrong program. it said i had been accepted to the creative writing program when the program i applied to was the publishing & writing so they had to call because obviously if i had gotten the original letter without any warning i probably would have just had an anxiety attack & passed out.

so i will have 2 copies of my acceptance letter! can you believe it? i didn't even think i would have 1!

in the days leading up to my acceptance i started a list of "things i will do if i get into emerson"
it included cutting my hair really, really short & dying it honey blonde (is that even a real color?)
ummm now that im actually in i'm gonna have to uhhh reconsider that one.

so i'm in! what?

i've got 5 months to get my ish together - to save, to apartment hunt, to move...
life is about to get overwhelmingggggg
but i thank the universe for it every day
i'd rather be overwhelmed than underwhelmed.

i guess this is the way things always work out. you get the most when you least expect it.
i just switched jobs & the timing couldn't be better.

i'm excited for all the positive change. i hope that everything works out & that this time next year i'll be in to my 2nd semester of graduate school!

can you even imagine me? with a masters? yes? well i mean yea i'm pretty predictable : )

stay tunedddddddddddddddddddd

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