Saturday, March 31, 2012

whos coming to see titanic in 3D with me?

i know you probably just watched it on TNT & i know you already know how it ends, but COME ON! its TITANIC!

can you believe its been 15 years? i was 9 years old when TITANIC was released & i remember it like it was yesterday.

my older sisters promised me they would take me with them to see it, and then disappeared for the day leaving me nervous & panicked at the apartment window. "are they seeing it without me!?"
they didn't.
they came back for me & at some ungodly hour they let me tag along to the movies.
i don't know why i remember this so vividly, but we were sitting in the back row and then TITANIC happened & it was more than i thought it would be & i loved all 200,000mins of it.
cut to me having the soundtrack that was almost completely instrumental save for THE SONG.
who didn't love "my heart will go on"
only soul less people didn't love "my heart will go on"
i also had the vhs - it was 2 videos! remember? because the movie was 1,000 years long
how annoying was having to get up to put in the second video?
i wish i knew where that vhs was now because my dad hooked up our old VCR.
i swear i'd watch it right now in preparation for seeing it next weekend.

watching the movie all the way through without commercial breaks & without having to get up to rewind tape 2 will be amazingggg!

i can't wait! i love that they're bringing this back.
somehow this movie is a huge part of my childhood & it'll be nice to go back there if only for a little while.
super bittersweet because of how temporary it will be & because of all that has changed in my life since i was 9
& ya know watching jack freeze to death & sink down to the depths of the ocean for the 100th time is gonna suck too
but im ready for it!

if no one is down to see it with me i am totesss down to see it by myself...i'm just gonna have to have someone on reserve to come pick me up off the floor & out of the pool of my own tears.

i will be screaming "whyyyyyyyyyyy jackkkk whyyyyyyyyyy???!!" & sobbing uncontrollably

just a heads up.

oh & can we talk about young leo for a second please??? #LOVE

Sunday, March 25, 2012

oh, ya know...just a typical saturday night in nyc.

Standing in line for an absurd amount of time to get a decent seat in a theater to watch the most anticipated movie of the year isn't at all unique to NYC...but having to listen to the hipster couple in front of you explain The Hunger Games in the most buzz killing way to their friends who obviously live under some kind of rock most definitely is*. They had matching gray sweaters. I should have known better than to get in line behind them, but I was distracted by her leopard** ankle boots. I digress...

Oh & more on the movie later!

I can tell you from experience that walking out of a movie theater and encountering 50 NYPD officers is more than unsettling.
Why the excessive police presence?
Occupy Wall Street.
My first thought?: "BLURGH!"
Why? No offense to the occupiers because I know they're fighting for the 99% which I am very much a part of but I was just kind of hoping that my train would be running so I can get home. While the 1% can afford to jet pack to their penthouses, the rest of us have to slum it on the subway, so shutting down union square really does affect us more than it affects them.
By all means protest!...just don't get in my way.
Thats the native new yorker in me...

So I make it to my train, i'm sitting in my corner seat reading The Hunger Games (yes, after seeing the movie) & the stop comes for me to switch over to the train that will take me all the way home. I walk on to the E, wait for the doors to close, lean back, & keep reading but then something says "check out your surroundings" & I look to my left at the other end of the car & what do I see?
A man passed out on the floor.
He looked like a corpse.
my first thought: "he better not be dead"
my second thought: "why hasn't anyone done anything about this yet?"
my third thought: "i hope no one says anything until after i get off the train"
my fourth thought [after seeing the man roll over and go back to sleep]: "oh hes alive" ::goes back to reading::

again those are the thoughts of a new yorker (& possibly any other big city dweller)

When/how did I become so desensitized?

I used to be all about protests. Now if I see one I just hope they don't get in my way.
& If a man is just passed out on the floor of a train car how do we not first think to help him up? How can we just silently hope that no one pulls the emergency break or alert the conductor so we're not stuck at the station - or possibly even worse - in between stations so we can just get where we need to go.

How often are you only feet away from a possibly dead man & not feel a thing other than concern for the length of your commute?

Is this what New York has done to me? to us? is this why New Yorkers favor wearing all black?
Is it not only because we all look so chic in "all black everything"?

Will moving out of this city lighten up my soul a little?
Or will having been born & raised here make survival anywhere else that much easier?

Do the police officers in your city/town walk onto a train car, see a man passed out & rolling all over the ground, & go about their business?

*I think the fact that i've been called a hipster one too many times has fostered in me this disdain for the thick rimmed glasses wearing, PBR tall boy drinking masses

**Leopard over everything

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Midnight Musings: Linsanity, #SBTB, Gentleman's Quarterly, & "Crazy kittens"

My brother & sister-in-law surprised me with a Knicks game tonight! & they actually won! 5th in a row? SHOCKING RIGHT?! & although the "Linsanity" has died down considerably, that hasn't stopped his legions of new fans from migrating from Taiwan, to New York, into MSG, & into court side seats in homemade "LIN-TAIWAN" t-shirts.
Jeremy's fans are loyal. This tiny bit of a "slump" [& i hesitate to say slump b/c he did score 15+ points tonight but in comparison to his 40+ points when he first came out of nowhere & blew everyones minds hes slumping...badly] won't stop them from putting a Knicks game high up on their list of things to do on their trip to New York City.
Spike Lee is pretty loyal too - still rockin' that LIN jersey, still yelling at the ref before the game even starts.
Can you believe he was actually at the game about 40 mins early & stayed until the very last second?
Oh & what I would give to have access to his season tickets -sigh-
Whats your favorite Lin pun?
Mine = "All I do is LIN, LIN, LIN!"
Least fav = "AMASIAN" <--- just terrible.

Mario Lopez vs. AC Slater
Can I just begin by saying that its quite possible that Mario Lopez has not aged a day since he started playing AC Slater? Mario lopez circa 1988 & Mario lopez circa 2012 are the exact same person minus the curly mullet.
I never really understood how someone could be haunted by a character that made them famous. I always felt that these child stars turned rebels were a bit ungrateful. If it wasn't for that role none of us would even care who you are - why run away from it? embrace it!
I don't think Mario has ever talked badly about his time at SBTB but if he had that would not surprise me. After all the embarrassing stuff they had him doing on that show he should just reject it completely.
Have you seen AC Slater dance? Have you seen AC Slater's hair? Have you heard some of AC Slater's lines?
Could AC Slater survive high school in 2012?

Why doesn't Glamour magazine have a sports section?
So I was in line at walgreens yesterday waiting to pay for the pack of tissues I actually went into the pharmacy for...& the gummy bears I picked up on my way to the line, when I looked down & saw Drake looking quite dapper on the cover of next month's GQ. Well obviously I couldn't just ignore it, I had to pick it up, and then of course I couldn't just read the entire thing right there in line! I had to buy it!
btw: you can get a pack of walgreens brand "facial tissues", gummy bears (in the gold bag...whats that brand again?) & a copy of GQ for a little under $8
So i'm sitting on the subway this evening on my way to Herald Square and I crack open the 1st copy of GQ of i've ever owned...& it is AWESOME!
You know when some guys say they actually read playboy for the articles? I totally get it!
but before I get to the articles can we just talk about the abundance of good looking men in this magazine?!
Gorgeous, tall, well dressed men who look like they smell amazing!
I'd definitely read Cosmo more if it had Calvin Klein Men's Underwear ads in them!
& why are the article's in women's mags so centered on weightloss & vaginal malfunction when men get hilarious anecdotes about mini van acceptance & the rebirth & evolution of the boat shoe?
GQ has a sports section! a sports section! The extent of the sports coverage in a women's magazine is what Serena Williams was wearing when she won the US open or something...
Men get a very random twitter-view with Ozzie Guillen while we get...nothing?
Glamour and Cosmo and Nylon seem to be just Health, Beauty, & Fashion while GQ is definitely LIFESTYLE. I've got to do a bit more research and if I like my findings I think i'm just going to become a "GQ man."

I hate cats
If you know me, you know this. Don't like them, never has, never will. Keep that cat away from me if it rolls its eyes at me I'm going to freak out & if it comes out of no where and rubs up against the back of my leg I am going to throw up.
Can one be a vegetarian without being an animal person?
I am proof.
I don't eat animals. I don't like the torture and if I can survive without contributing to it i'm all for it!
Yes, I like my animals alive and free, but I'd also like them as far away from me as possible.
That goes for dogs too. I can deal with the small ones but if your dog is above my knee caps when creepily standing on its back legs i'm going to need you to lock it away somewhere. Its that simple.
That being said.
I'm moving in 5 months & I need to find a roommate or two or three or four.
Emerson started this facebook group for us accepted students to mingle and network and possibly work out a living situation and people are taking advantage BUT every post from someone looking for a roommate ends with "I have 2 cats!" or "I hope you like cats!" or "I hope you deal with a crazy kitten!"
Why does everyone have a cat?! why does everyone want to move cross country with their cat????
How I long for the days of on campus housing and their no pet rule. I just want to live with a human.
No dog, no cat, no snake, no bird, no lizard, no finish.
Just a human being.
Is that really too much to ask?????

That is all for now. i'm not proofreading this. forgive all typos.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

I am a mess.

I skipped yoga last week & I am convinced that is the root of all my current problems.
I'm feeling "off": overwhelmed, exhausted, confused, & emotionally unstable.
If you know me really well you're probably thinking "aren't you always overwhelmed, exhausted, emotionally unstable, & a little bit confused?"
Yes, good observation BUT ever since I started my yoga routine i've been a little less "off" & its been great.

I feel like the universe was even working with me more. I was getting everything I wanted - feeling wayyy more positive about things & feeling that much more grateful.
Physically I felt good, mentally I felt great!...but then I woke up last tuesday with every intention of going to class but decided not to for the first time in months and now i'm suffering the consequences.

How did I manage to make it the entire winter season without getting sick, but a couple days after I skip class I catch a cold?
How did I manage to stay mentally on track and then a couple days after I skip class I have a very public emotional breakdown? (second only to that of the KONY 2012 creator)

Before I started practicing I never really believed in that mind-body connection but the week i've had is definitely proof.

I'm going to class tomorrow & I couldn't be more excited [said excitement will pass once I go into my first downward facing dog].

It'll be a good way to start off the new week!

Friday, March 16, 2012

I thought I was invincible...

Its March 16th & 2 days ago it was 73 degrees...I figured I was in the clear. I managed to make it through the winter season without getting sick...or so I thought.
Everyone at work was sick & I was able to tip-toe my way around it. I took pride in my immune system & the way it had fought off the little inkling of a cold I had 2 weeks ago. I never made it past stage 1 & I loved it.

Cut to tonight...around 8pm...a sneeze.

I never sneeze -not even when I walk into a room that has just been over-febreezed. My nasal passage isn't at all overly sensitive - so when I sneezed tonight I just knew.

& then it happened again. another sneeze. & again ANOTHER SNEEZE.

I made it all the way home & as I walked through my doors I could feel that tickle in my throat. uh oh. so I broke out the echinacea.

I swear by it. Whenever I feel the tiniest bit of a cold symptom coming on I take 2 echinacea pills, drink some OJ or eat an orange & go back to sleep for an hour or 2 & when I wake up I feel as healthy as I was the day I was born. My house is all out of pills so I drank some echinacea tea instead...& i'm still waiting for it to kick in.

I fell asleep for a few hours only to shocked awake by a SNEEZE.

::insert panic here::

I can't get sick. I can't afford to get sick. I have St. Patricks day plans. who has time to be sick in bed for the next few days?! not me...

so I am awake trying everything I can to nip this cold in the bud (or in the butt as sasha b & one of the mob "wives" would say)

I ate an orange, I took one of my ADULT gummy vitamins, & naturally I googled "ways to stop a cold before it starts"

I found an article on & this is what it suggests (& how it relates to me right now at 5:03 am)

1. As soon as you start feeling symptoms start drinking water or juice: done. luckily in the past couple of months i've been getting over my hatred for water & its lack of flavor. I have a 33.8 fluid oz bottle of water next to me right now & I intend to get through the next hour

2.Gargle with salt water : does anyone else loveeee gargling with salt water? Its supposed to help soothe the itchiness, irritation etc & also get rid of the bacteria...I just gargled maybe 10mins ago & it has yet to start working...HURRY!

3. Skip the over the counter cough medicine - use honey: Already had some honey in my tea! & I totally have no qualms about just eating it by the spoonful...if this salt doesnt start doing the trick, i'm heading to the kitchen to squeeze the life out of that honey filled bear.

4. Over the next few hours skip work if you can: I can't. I actually have to be up in 2 hours to head to work 2 hours earlier than I was supposed to which will actually stunt my recover but its okay theres a free breakfast in it for me!

5. Don't forget the fluids: they suggest chicken soup, but what says them for us vegetarians??? NADA! just lots of water & OJ I guess...

6. Shake it off!: next to this one they have a girl doing yoga...if i could do some yoga right now i would! but its 5:18 am & i'm watching friends...& this.I didn't go to class at all this week - is it possible that my immune system was affected by this?!

7. The Next day - All better?: If i wake up the next day or in 1 hour & I have a fever, start puking up the orange I ate, & ya know anything else like that then i've definitely got something more than the common cold & for that they suggest I see a doctor. Considering that my doctor is my father & he is not a doctor I really, really hope that this is just a silly little cold that will be out of my system in no time.

My immune system has forsaken me, but I will not give in! I'm heading to Jamba Juice ASAP to get a COLD BUSTER in the largest size they offer & if that doesn't work

well then i'm just gonna go around coughing on everything because if i'm going to be sick, we're all going to be sick together.

Yes, I mean all of New York City...

Oh look at that! the episode of friends when Monica is sick & in denial is on! [great timing nick@nite!]

& with that I will leave you with one of her best quotes & my motto for the next 24 hours

"getting sick is for weaklings! Its for pansies!"

*don't you wish you could look as awesome & healthy when you're sick as that girl does? she clearly has like strep throat but those pink pillows are making her glow...that & the sweat.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If I end up on an episode of "extreme hoarding", will you still be friends with me?

Today was gorgeousssssssssssssssss!

...did anyone else spend the entire day inside?????
I woke up this morning with every intention of going to yoga class like I have been doing on all my days off since the beginning of the year but I couldn't even make it out of bed. I'm sure you've had those days where you're not feeling 100% - I wasn't even feeling 50%.
I went back to sleep for a couple more hours & woke up feeling very much in the mood for some spring cleaning.

We've all seen hoarders right? or at least know what a hoarder is? now I am no where near that level of pack rat-ness, but I definitely do have some hoarder tendencies.

I'll be making that huge move to Boston in a couple months, and I figured the least amount of old receipts, shoe boxes, credit card statements, commemorative maroon 5 "tea will be loved" snapple bottles I have the easier the move will be on everyone.

Things I am grateful for today:
Law & Order: SVU marathons
Garbage bags

My aunt has this super high powered shredder that can even shred compact discs! yes, CDs! it shreds cds!
I used this awesome machine to get rid of old pay stubs, receipts, flyers, brochures, my 2010 commencement know...things that normal people throw out, not stack up until its an unsightly mess of discolored paper.

I had about 10 newspapers - & yes a few are copies of the daily news my brother was in from june 2011 but i mean most people probably would have just cut out the article right? I stored all 5 copies for almost a year.

As I type, I am staring at a stack of 10 nylons, 3 glamours, & the june 2010 copy of vanity fair - you know the one with all the world cup soccer players in designer undies & no shirts?
its obvious why one would keep that one but what am I going to do with all these back issues of fashion/beauty mags? & why didn't they get tossed along with everything else I weeded out today?
I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
I'll spend the next couple of months trying to come up with a use for them & if I don't then they'll probably be moving with me!

I've been living back at home for about 2 years & if I was able to accumulate this amount of crap in the very small space that I occupy here, whats going to happen when i'm in my own house?
Will I have an entire wing of my house for my plastic/paper shopping bags?
did I mention that I have about 35 forever 21 shopping bags?

I seem to have a hard time letting go of things, people, places, thoughts, feelings...& apparently every paper I wrote in college.

Does anyone else feel like they are most definitely going to need that sociology paper they wrote freshman year one day in the distant future?

Don't we all still have a copy of our 2007 fafsa???

when the state condemns my house & takes my children away because I make them sleep on beds made of old nylon magazines
will you still be friends with me?

Sunday, March 4, 2012


1. see that movie. its amazing...
2. in the movie one of the characters talks about gratitude and how conscious she is of thanking the powers that be for all the good that comes her way - all the "happy" a believer/supporter/good word spreader/skeptic of the secret i ate that right up & adopted "happythankyoumoreplease" which is a pretty simple way to make sure you're giving thanks...

that being said:

i've been chanting "happythankyoumoreplease" almost every hour on the hour since yesterday because i was officially accepted to the publishing & writing program at emerson college!

As you may (or may not) know (depending on how closely you follow the goings on of my life...which is probably not very closely at all unless you're one of the friends i force to listen to me rant about the goings on of my life) i have been waiting impatiently/anxiously for my decision from ec.

i was actually starting to think that maybe i hadn't heard back yet because they were hunting for someone who had actually gotten into graduate school to skillfully craft my rejection letter.

can you even begin to imagine the feeling i had when i listened to my voicemail and had a missed call from the assistant director of grad admissions?
it is my opinion that one has not fully experienced nervousness until their entire body is shaking right down to the bone.

that phone call could have gone 2 ways - either i was going to be accepted or i was going to be rejected, but as the phone was ringing it felt like there were a million different possibilities.

long story short: emerson called because the original acceptance letter they sent me had the wrong program. it said i had been accepted to the creative writing program when the program i applied to was the publishing & writing so they had to call because obviously if i had gotten the original letter without any warning i probably would have just had an anxiety attack & passed out.

so i will have 2 copies of my acceptance letter! can you believe it? i didn't even think i would have 1!

in the days leading up to my acceptance i started a list of "things i will do if i get into emerson"
it included cutting my hair really, really short & dying it honey blonde (is that even a real color?)
ummm now that im actually in i'm gonna have to uhhh reconsider that one.

so i'm in! what?

i've got 5 months to get my ish together - to save, to apartment hunt, to move...
life is about to get overwhelmingggggg
but i thank the universe for it every day
i'd rather be overwhelmed than underwhelmed.

i guess this is the way things always work out. you get the most when you least expect it.
i just switched jobs & the timing couldn't be better.

i'm excited for all the positive change. i hope that everything works out & that this time next year i'll be in to my 2nd semester of graduate school!

can you even imagine me? with a masters? yes? well i mean yea i'm pretty predictable : )

stay tunedddddddddddddddddddd