Saturday, November 26, 2011

OkCupid...Stop It.

It has always been a pretty strong belief of mine that signing up for online dating is just the most desperate of desperate acts.
Well 4 days ago that is just what I did ::nods::
The curiosity is definitely what gets you. You know when you don't give something much thought but then it's suddenly showing up everywhere? like some kind of sign? I had been bombarded by & e-harmony "testimonials" & lately facebook has been heavily suggesting that I check out so when more than one person brought up the very FREE OkCupid in our conversation in the same week I figured...why not?
I now have more than enough reasons why NOT to join OkCupid & various other sketchy "dating" websites.

1. Why am I doing this?
You'll never feel the same again. At least I wont. As I was filling out all the basic information & trying to come up with a "cute" & "original" username I kept thinking "why am i really doing this?" for experiments sake? yes. but could it also be because i'm kinda tired of all those "why don't you have a boyfriend or something?" questions ? I mean like can I live? is there some kind of rule that says I have to have a boyfriend right now? can I be single? no? fine! so I filled in all kinds of "personal information" favorite tv shows, favorite music, favorite book. It was kinda like facebook except most do not join facebook with the sole purpose of finding a date. I love social networking & most things internet but I think it was something about how purposeful joining a dating site is that made me very uneasy.

2. Ummm why does this guy have the same zip code as me?!
For someone who is completely open to finding a significant other online, seeing that this potential match lives in your neighborhood might be a good thing, to me that is a bigggggg NO NO NO. The combination of my pictures & neighborhood is something that could equal me becoming someones lamp shade. I mean yes, these same pictures are up on facebook, but I decide who can & can not see my facebook. The only way for "Cupid" to do its best work is if your profile is available to umm everyone - not okay.

3. Really "Cupid"? is this the best you could do?
The messages started arriving about 20 minutes after the completion of my online profile. The one thing that an internet based cupid can't do is determine who you'd be physically attracted to. Sure you can choose a preferred height & body type but when it comes to everything else that lil cherub has absolutely noooo idea what is going on in the part of my brain that processes physical attraction.
How do I say this without sounding completely shallow? hmmm...lets just say that most of the guys I received messages from were just not at allllll like ehhhh you know. I'm not shallow I swear but I mean lets be real. How many of your relationships started because you saw someone & was foremost physically attracted to them?
I guess thats why some people are meant for online dating & something others *ahem*...are not. Some people are completely open to just dismissing "looks" all together. Maybe those are the people who are most successful, they are who we see in those testimonials ::nods::

So they have you fill out this crazy questionaire to help increase your chance at being matched. It is just the most absurd compilation of questions i've ever answered. It started out normal enough: how do you feel about smoking, drinking, drugs, etc...relationship expectations, romantic history and whatnot but then suddenly you're attacked by random math questions..ummm what?...and thenn comes the SEX. All kinds of invasive questions about your past, current, & future sex life. I don't even want to go into the details but I don't think they ask these kinds of when you go to the OB/GYN ::nods::
I mean I guess we're all adults here and we can answer those kinds of questions but if i'm just on your site looking for a "date" exactly what purpose do they serve? & would I really want to meet a guy who has selected me based on what I am "willing to do" in a hypothetical sexual situation It went from online dating to online brothel verrrry quickly.

And it was def my cue to go!

After just 4 days I deleted my OkCupid profile. I'd had enough of the annoying e-mails alerting me of new messages from guys I'd never agree to meet...ever. I just didn't feel hopeful about it at all. I mean i've heard enough stories about online dating that has ended in real life marriage, but eh i'm just too skeptical? or just not open enough to trying something so radical? i'm not sure. I don't think I put all the positive energy I could have but I think thats because I know for sure that its just not for me.
At least I can't say I didn't try!

Next up!

Speed dating? Whos coming with me??? anyone????

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