Monday, November 14, 2011

"This Is Only Temporary." (Repeat As Necessary)

Its Monday. Enough said.

In my opinion Mondays can only go 2 ways:
1. If there is a something- be it a god, universe, spirit animal, ::insert religious/spiritual belief here::- it will go by as quickly & as painlessly as possible. Don't expect too much out of a Monday. I think the most we can realistically ask for is that Monday rapidly becomes Tuesday.

2. It is going to suck [for lack of a better term]. Come on...its Monday. None of us wanted to wake up before noon right? Do you expect me to believe that you actually wanted to roll out of bed & into the shower at 6am? So don't be surprised when someone says the wrong thing to you before you've had your morning coffee and it completely ruins the rest of your day. Did you stub your toe? rip your stockings? Spill a hot beverage all over your suit/uniform etc...? Well its Monday so you knew this would happen ::nods::

When I caught myself mouthing my "stay calm & carry on" -esq mantra - "this is only temporary" - before 9am I knew I was going to be stuck in that option 2 ditch for the remainder of the day. All it took was for someone to use the wrong (condescending) tone with me to send me into that internal, completely mental panic. it usually starts with a "why is this my life?" followed by a sigh - not too deep of a sigh because I even lack the motivation for something that effortless. Whenever I feel myself sinking deeper & deeper into a monday i just repeat "this is only temporary" until I believe it which usually doesn't take too long because unless life is one big lie it HAS to be temporary.
I didn't go to school for 17 years for this to not be temporary did I?
I'm not memorizing over 200 vocabulary words in a little over a month to take "orders" from college dropouts (& i mean this in the least offensive way possible) for the rest of my life am I?
theres just no way
"this is only temporary, this is only temporary, this is only temporary, this is only temporary" repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat...

And when things do become "permanent" I hope that this wanting to get through my days and my weeks and my months as quickly as possible passes.
I hope this for all of us.
Most Mondays come with a flurry of "is it friday yet?"-esq comments and statuses.
We all share that desire to just go immediately from Sunday night to Thursday night/Friday morning
because we soooo dread what we have to do throughout the week.
But if we keep living this way. If we keep living going about our weeks without the positive emotions and without enjoyment because we do not love what we do we will soon come to the point where we have no more days, weeks or months to flail through & then what?
because we damn sure can't go back.

My resolution
and my recommendation for us all is to do whatever we can to get to a place where we can enjoy every single day - If its Monday we absolutely can not wait for Tuesday! and Wednesday! and Thursday! Skipping a day by mindlessly & robotic-ally "living" through it will no longer feel like a survival tactic it will feel like a waste! - like you're missing out on so much! and if you absolutely loveeee what you do you won't want to miss a thing! right?!

can we do that???? can we try at least????
maybe not today because its Monday
tomorrow! TUESDAY! yes?!

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