Friday, December 2, 2011

Its December...& I Am Definitely Feeling The Pressure

I've been like beyondddd confused lately. Is it just me or does it kinda still feel like its 2010? when did 2011 happen? Why is most of it a blur? & How is it already less than a month until 2012?
Did I not just register for the GRE yesterday? & if so...does that not give me another 50 days to test day? No? Its not still October? Its actually december 2nd? I actually have about 14 days until the test?
F. M. L. <--- can we bring that back? because it kinda totally completely describes how I am feeling right now ::nods::
How is it possible that I've been laboring over this princeton review GRE study aid for over a month and I am feeling less confident now than I did 4 weeks ago? Is it because I used "laboring" rather loosely?
Ok so I haven't devoted the necessary time to GRE preparation but I mean like 6th grade - 10th grade math? How difficult could that be? Ummmmm really difficult actually. I had totally forgotten what PEMDAS, FOIL, & factoring meant. I curse younger rudine for not mastering basic math back then but I can't curse her for being awesome enough to make it through about 17 years of schooling without mastering the aforementioned basic math - kudos!
So what now?
Work on my essays? vocab? & reading comprehension? Surely those must be a breeze for me eh?
ugh...why did I only manage to answer 12 out of 20 questions of this verbal reasoning section? & why out of those 12 questions did I only get 6 correct?! What is going on here?
So now i've entered panic mode.
A lot of different things can happen when I am in panic mode. I can either fall apart completely - which I've been known to do. Falling apart completely will result in a complete mental shut down which will then render me incapable of continuing to prepare for this test which will result in me balled into the fetal position, crying uncontrollably in front of my cubicle at the testing center at the sight of the first "quantitative reasoning" section which will then of course lead to a score of 0 or less than zero which will then lead to the arrival of a graduate school rejection letter which will lead to me falling apart completely the result of which will be me in the fetal position on the kitchen floor because then obviously I will be as close as possible to the food that I will use to make me temporarily feel better about my sad, sad life.
I can get it together! Sometimes I work best under pressure ::nods:: the threat of failure might actually help me "study" more. I'll spend less time refreshing my facebook page & watching old dateline episodes on investigation discovery and I will spend more time studying the 100+ vocabulary words in that book. I will also stop avoiding the geometry chapter - I have to reacquaint myself with those shapes that aren't circles, triangles, & rectangles.
I've already reviewed more today than I did on my last day of ::nods:: & I still have hours and hoursss to go!
So it seems that I'm moving in the not falling apart direction which I think will yield the positive results I need ::nods::

December also means that I have a little over a month until my application needs to be submitted. I still have about 3,980 words to write.

I wish I could say that I've just been working soooo much that the only time I've had to "study" is on the train but I'd feel kinda guilty since realistically I spend more time napping & snacking on white chocolate covered oreos than prepping and essay writing.

Since its a new month. I figure I'll refresh my mindset. Especially since this month is so dangerously close to next month which is the deadlines of deadlines. I can kinda think my way through the GRE but my graduate school app will take more dedication than I've been giving. Time to reboot!

...right after this nap?

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