Monday, April 2, 2012


don't you love them? they're super necessary sometimes. i often feel too overwhelmed without them. i make lists of the bills i need to pay for the month (although they never change), things i need to buy: toiletries, etc, things i want to buy but shouldn't: a new pair of toms, & today, things i need to do on my day off.

things i need to do on my day off:

1. get out of bed: i haven't done that yet. still working on it...
2. order myself a pizza: managed to do that while still in bed so yay!
3. laundry: its never ending. i feel like i do laundry every week. maybe its because i tend to just wear the same clothes over & over...but they're my favorite things! what else would i wear??? but today is a must. all my work clothes are in my hamper right now. i am fortunate to have a washer & dryer right in my basement. what would i do if i had to go across the street to wash my clothes in those very public machines???? which brings me to...
4. apartment hunt: i think i'm down to about 4 months til august? i told myself (& others) that i wanted to move to boston in august so i would have time to get familiar & get comfortable with this new place before i am thrust into the black hole that is graduate school, but i just haven't been putting the work in.
the fact that i can't seem to find a compatible roommate is so discouraging. i've ranted about this before but whats with the cats? or the dogs? or whatever other pet people want a potential roommate to be okay with?
all i want is a decent sized room, a nice clean kitchen, a bathroom with a huge mirror, and access to a washer & dryer. i'm all set on the animal kingdom.
i wish renting the perfect 1 bedroom apt/studio was a realistic option for me.
maybe it can be?
5. clean my yoga mat: as at ease as am i supposed to be during childs pose, its kinda hard to get as relaxed as i need to when the giant in front of me is dripping toe sweat on to my mat. its why i probably clean my mat more than anyone should. best way? (depending on what your mat is made of) giving it a shallow bath in a combination of warm water & vinegar.
6. find out more about this adam levine/anne v break up. any day that i wake up & adam is single again is a good day!
7. pull my outfits for the week. if i do it now. i won't have to think about it when i get home from work at night orrr when i wake up for work in the morning
8. make use of my netflix account: other than a couple of episodes of saved by the bell, i havent really gotten my monies worth. i've got to get through my instant queue. i don't pay $7.99 a month for nothing!
9. make a decision about my stack of magazines
10. finish this blog post*

off i go!

*i started working on this post at about 12noon & finished up around 3:30pm. in that time i: ordered a pizza & ate half of it, got rid of the pile of clothes that lived on the floor in my room, watched 2 episodes of my so called life, & did some emerson college related things...progress was made.

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