Thursday, April 19, 2012

i think it may be time for something DRASTIC!

2012 has definitely been & will continue to be my year of change. i am loving my new job & come august i will be moving to boston & preparing to start graduate school. exciting right? very!...but despite all the excitement & positive change, i can't help but still feel a little bored...with my appearance. so i've been thinking about maybe doing something drastic. something very short? so far no one thinks thats a good idea BUT remember me back in 2006? when i let a friend i knew from bronx underground cut, bleach, & rinse my hair pink? i don't even think i told my mother...or maybe i did? but she didn't know what i was going to come home looking like & neither did i. my friend, ty, used some hair bleach thing to lighten the sides and the back of my hair and rinsed it pink. she did it in spots that you could only see when i styled my hair a certain way because i went to catholic school & punky pink hair certainly would NOT have been okay with the head nun in charge. remember that? you don't? well heres a really bad pic of how i looked back then. this is me circa2006. i was 17 years old
i remember how relieved i was when my mom saw me when she got home that afternoon. she loved it. thought i looked like a pixie. i kinda loved it too...i'm just not sure i knew what to really do with it back then. it could have been so much better! oh what i wouldn't give for pink hair right now! so 17 year old me kinda pulled of a short look. what says you all of 23 year old me? and since im beyond purple, blue, or green bought a light brown? lighter than the color i have now? as brown as you can get before its actually blonde...hmmmmm. just something i'm throwing out there. i do have quite the attachment to shoulder length hair but tons of women manage to pull it off. i'm a little worried about having my eyebrows so exposed but i mean i'll just have to do better at keeping up on my eyebrow threadings. if i did go through with this i'd go for a cut like karla's.
i think her hairstyle is perfect - not too short, not too long.
we definitely have different hair textures & as we are of different races my hair would probably react to that cut much differently than hers but maybe thats a risk i'm willing to take? orrrr maybe not. i'm much too self conscious. if this doesn't go as planned - assuming i do it at all - its possible i will never be seen in public again. i'm gonna ponder this for another couple weeks...thoughts?

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