Saturday, December 24, 2011

If it wasn't for Justin Bieber I wouldn't even have known it was Christmas

True story ::nods::

It was 55 degrees 2 days ago. There aren't many decorations up around the neighborhood. We didn't experience a mad rush of holiday shoppers at "work"...
I'm not feeling the holiday spirit at all. Where is it???? I think its in that Justin Bieber Christmas album - he sucked up all the holiday cheer and mass produced it for tweens (& myself). Its on repeat at work & its the only time I ever feel like its Christmas. I'm going to have to listen to it today so it feels like Christmas Eve! The Michael Buble album is on heavy rotation at work as well but his music makes me want to jump off an extremely tall building. The biebs' album makes me wanna buy presents!
& that I did!

I did 2 rounds of shopping this year. I managed to get almost everyones gifts in 1 day and all for less than $100! On the second round I spent a bit more but still all within my "budget" [i'll just have to spend the next couple of weeks NOT at chipotle]. Of course I got that buyers remorse I always get when I spend a large sum of money but its Christmas! (I think). This is the only time of year i'll spending this amount of money on anyone else ::nods:: & I mean if all goes according to the holiday gift giving tradition I will be getting something in return so as they say "its all good"

I finding that as I am getting older it is getting much more difficult to answer that "what do you want for christmas?" question...
because I really just never know anymore. When you're young and naive you ask for anything no matter the cost because you probably didn't know how much it cost anyway. But I mean now I know that I want that new blackberry but I obviously can't ask someone to drop $300+ on a phone that i'll just be upgrading when the newest one comes out in the near future anyway. Of course there are things we all want but at this age its better off we just buy them for ourselves ::nods::
I think at this point in my life I am just happy to get anything really. I'd actually be really appreciative of some socks right now as mine all have holes in the toes.
Remember when how awesome your Christmas was depended on how many gifts you received?
So not the case anymore...
I think i'm most excited for the food!...& the eggnog.

I was going somewhere with this..hmmm...

But if i had to answer that dreaded question:

All I really want for Christmas this year is to get into grad school & to move out of nyc for a bit and start fresh & all that jazz ::nods::
but thats about 50% on me & 50% on the admissions board
All I really want for Christmas this year is to have a great 2012 & to be happy & to make some progress & some positive change and that is about 99.9% on me

I'll direct these wants to the universe as it is the only force capable of handling such a request...

& i'm going to start working on my resolutions for 2012. It may seem like a waste of time because we all rarely follow through on our new years resolutions but my first resolution for 2012 is to do just that! so...there!

happy holidays!

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