Saturday, December 31, 2011

It can't possibly be 2012 already...

Oh but it is ::nods::

Remember when this, the last year on the mayan calendar, seemed so far away?
What happened to that? How are we only just hours away?
Does 2011 feel a little neglected maybe? Did we not give it enough TLC? It just came & went - & we all kind of hated it? no? I kinda feel bad now. It will have no chance to redeem itself unless of course it finds some way to take 2012's place ::nods:: or brokers some kind of deal with 2012 to right all of its wrongs & get back in our good graces ::nods::
All we really need to forget a terrible 2011 is an amazing 2012 & thats what I am banking on the most.

2012 will mean a lot of things for me.
It will mean:
2 years since I graduated college
6 years since I graduated high school [which just absolutely blows my mind]
6 years since my mom passed away [again another thing that just blows my mind & continues to break my heart]

2012 could also mean a lot of other things.
It could be the year I:
got into grad school
didn't get into grad school
finally moved out of the house & possibly out of the state
failed, yet again, to move out of the house & possibly out of the state

Do you see where I'm going with this??? 2012 can either be the most progressive year i've had in a very long time or it could be 2011 all over again.
& then what? I anxiously wait to leave 2012 and desperately welcome 2013?
Is this anyway to live? to keep wanting to forget the year before even existed? to put the coming year up on a pedestal which could then lead to disappointment?
I guess thats one way to think about it ::nods::

Or I could just look forward to saying "wow 2012! you were awesome! lets hope 2013 can live up to your awesome-ness!"
That'd be pretty great right?
Wouldn't we all just love that?

Lets make 2012 the year we don't want to forget as badly as we all want to forget 2011?
Sounds good, right???

I think i'm going to do this month by month!
January 2012: the month I learned to relax
February 2012: the month I...
March 2012: the month I...!

Onward peeps! To 2012! I wish you all the most positive of years!

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