Monday, July 2, 2012

& now all of a sudden its july 1st...

& i don't feel as prepared for this move as i should, but i know that i am currently as prepared as i can be, definitely not mentally & emotionally but the other important factors?

place to live?
tuition paid?

things definitely haven't been going smoothly, but i am surprised by how well i've been handling it all. obviously i've had some freak outs but a life with out anxiety induced freak outs is not my life.

so now i've got exactly 1 month left.

& i can go on & on & on about how bitter sweet this all feels. but i think i've done enough of that already & i've got to save something for my august blog posts ::nods::

july is going to be one heck of a whirlwind.

i've got to juggle working, planning, furniture shopping, & spending time with my friends/fam...

i'm a ball of nerves, but im focused!
95.9% of this move is on me - i'll be spending the next 4 weeks making sure i don't fail.

failure = not an option.

stay tuned!


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