Saturday, July 21, 2012

i both learned & confirmed some things today...

i'm a bit of a news junkie. if there is breaking news i want 24/7 access to it. if there is something going on in the world that is deserving of this exclusive coverage, my tv is tuned into CNN. period. i'll even watch them loop the same anderson cooper interview over & over...its a bit of a sickness really.
what sucks the most about my insatiable appetite for breaking news? the fact that something terrible has to happen...more times than not, someone has to have died. someone or someonessss.

i woke up at was one of those rare days that i had to be at work at 8am & the first thing i do when i wake up that early in the morning is turn on the news. i was expecting a weather report, not live footage of a movie theater in colorado where 71 people had just been shot while they were just trying to do what i'd be trying to do hours a movie.

shock. disbelief. confusion.

is this stuff still happening???? really????
every time something like this happens you kind of think "thats it."...who would think to try something like that again?
i don't get it.
& unless you have the same mindset as some of this mass murderers you never will.

so what did i learn from everything i've seen & read today?
people are sick. & theres nothing we can do about it. nothing. gun laws or no gun laws. evil is evil & it will always find a way. based on what i've seen today i'm going to need to see some kind of miracle to think otherwise.

something i confirmed today?
nowhere is safe. i'm a pretty paranoid person. im very anxious. perpetually scared of almost everything & everyone, but for some reason i never thought i'd have to be scared of going to the movies, but tonight as i sat in the theater waiting for the very movie that the victims of this "massacre" were watching last night, i had to fight really hard to resist the urge to just run out of there.

what now? i read something online tonight & someone said like now going to the movies is ruined for future generations.
i don't fly. i can't say exactly what triggered this crippling fear of flying i've developed seemingly out of nowhere, but it lives & since this fear appeared in the years after 9/11 (although it has absolutely nothing to do with that) i've been told many many times that i have nothing to worry about because its safer to fly now more than ever.
so should we say the same for the movies?

movie theaters across the country were probably the safest places to be today...but what about when this all dies down?
you don't even have to take your shoes off to go through airport security anymore (in some places)
so what happens when there aren't 2 police officers positioned in the theater lobby?
what then?

& why should we have to live with this anxiety??? how unfair...& what does this murderer get? yes, he will get prison time & we will all get justice, but right now while the police still try to de-booby-trap (O_o) his apartment he is getting all the glory he wanted.
i read a tweet today that said
"what if we treated these shooters the way we treat the people who run across baseball fields - don't release their names or pictures?"

which brings me to the other thing i confirmed today:

news people are ruthless. i used to want to be a journalist but im glad i didn't go that route because i just don't have it in me.
there was one shooting victim (grazed by a bullet...alive) who was from brooklyn, nyc. the local news here found his apartment in brooklyn & stalked his roommate trying to interview him. when they couldn't get to him they interviewed the neighbors that barely knew him. dude was alive and well & tweeting pictures of his bloody tshirt - what could you possibly want to know from his neighbors? & when it was clear that they didn't know anything about him other than that he rode a skateboard...why not scrap that story?

they are so greedy, almost desperate for news. probably to appease the people like me, but even i know when a line is crossed, when enoughs enough.
they hunted down the shooters parents, followed his father through the airport.

cnn has been interviewing this one girl ALL DAY. shes been on tv in the same twilight tshirt ALL DAY. i know its her choice to stay there & keep telling & retelling her story, but for goodness sake let her gooooo.
let her goooooo...she should be talking to a counselor, not to don lemon.


in conclusion.
at the end of the day, being in the movies, watching the dark knight rises was actually a pretty good escape from the reality of what happened...but i couldn't help but cringe every time the bad guys starting shooting something up...
(NOT a spoiler. its batman. bad guys are always shooting something up)


this is our reality now.

*i don't really feel like proofreading this one. this is as rambly as rambling gets.


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