Monday, September 10, 2012

my professor & i? we're already on the same page ::nods::

*disclaimer: the following is a mish mosh of thoughts that have been rolling around in my mind today. it may at times read like one big run on sentence. forgive me.*

1.i'm pretty sure i finally get why people wake up hourssss before they really have to. i have always been a pretty firm believer in "i don't have to be here until this time sooo im not waking up until like 2 hours before.'
i didn't have class today until 6pm which in my mind means, "don't wake up until 3:45ish, snooze til 4pm, get ready, leave the house by like 5:15, run to class."
i couldn't do that today. i had to get up early and handle some cable business, grab some groceries, clean up a bit, eat, etc etc...
& despite the fact that i'm pretty exhausted now, i feel pretty darn accomplished.
i think i'll do this again tomorrow. maybe wake up around 9am [most likely 12pm] --- watch live with kelly & michael -- read a bit? maybe even...write???
the things i could do from 9am-6pm when class starts? imagine the possibilities??
sometimes i sleep all day & wake up feeling like i've wasted so much time. now that my semester has officially started, i won't have time to waste anymore. the days im not at work are the days i have class. i have to juggle work, school, and errands etc...ya!
i'm not saying i'm gonna start waking up at 5am like my grandmother -- lets not get crazy, but im gonna at least try to be up early enough for breakfast! [probably brunch]*

2. my copyediting professor hit the nail on the head this evening. he is also from new york & when one of the girls in class said she wanted to do fashion magazine editing or whatever the hell her career choice is, he said "im not sure theres much fashion in boston. people wear gear here"
it took everything in me not to yell "right!?"
now i don't want to generalize especially since most bostonians aren't really bostonians at all, but there is a hugeeeee void, a lacking of fashions up here.
have you ever heard of jack rogers? because i haven't...before coming to boston i dont think i've ever seen a pair of these damn sandals but now? i've seen about 1,000?
why is everyone wearing the same thing??? and why those sandals??? of course i'm guilty of owning 4 pairs of toms, but those are awesome (i'm obviously biased).
i'm not saying the people here aren't well put together -- i have seen a couple well put together people but for the most part? boston is not very fashion forward -- even the drag queens here need some work ::nods::

oh & now that i'm taking a copyediting course this blog will seem a lot less like the ramblings of a hamster.

3. grad school is a different beast. i don't think i have spent enough time preparing myself. especially for sitting in a class for 3 hours and 45 minutes. good gawd. is this the true test of graduate school? to see how long one can sit in a classroom & not commit japanese ritual suicide?
i didn't wanna be that person in class with their eyes closed but i definitely was. i guess thats normal? i haven't been in a classroom about 2 & 1/2 years. it'll get better?
i'm totally ready to get to work though, the one thing i regret the most about undergrad is that i left half of what i learned go the second my final paper was handed in ya know?
i want to retain every single thing this time around & if that means staying awake for 3 hours and 45 minutes while my professor mumbles on about hypens then so be it!
i felt so much closer to a career in class today & i'm so excited to get there...

4. it dropped from about 75 degrees to 55 today in boston. geesh. its only september 10th. whats the deal? i need a winter coat!

5. i know its already 10 days in, but i love starting a new month. i am alwaysss needing to start over -- new month, new week, new day, new hour even! my goal for the month is to make it 10x better than the last. i have a tendency to run farrrr away from the last month, trying to forget it ever existed. thats not what i want. its more like a "oh hey remember how awesome last month was??? lets keeping riding that wave into the new month!"...
get it?

-end rant-


*my life is one big contradiction

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