Friday, August 24, 2012

"you think you know, but you have no idea..."

so i've been working on this new york related post for a couple of days now, but i just couldn't get it right so i just haven't posted it.
i just erased the entire thing & im gonna start over right now.
this post is my reaction to the reactions of the empire state building shooting this morning.

any shooting is terrible. like...duh. any shooting that results in casualties is most obviously a tragedy...but something so much more tragic has happened in other states & cities around the world that what im seeing on cnn & even on facebook/twitter kind of
for a lack of a better term

i'm a born & raised new yorker & i am as loyal as can be. i know what happens in that city everyday & i was never ever really scared. you can't live like that. i grew up in the bronx for goodness sake - what happened at the empire state building this morning happens in some parts of the bronx almost every day - and brooklyn & queens.

so now all of a sudden this happens in manhattan and cnn would like us all to believe that this is 9/11 come again. theres an eyewitness calling in saying that her parents thought she was crazy for moving to nyc after 9/11...really? where should she have moved? its been yearssss since something like this has happened in manhattan and based on what we've been seeing in the news over the past weeks, months, years it seems that no small town, city, state is really safe anymore.

if you're a real new yorker i can't even believe that this isolated incident would have you running scared. depending on where you live in this city you could be just at your local bodega buying bread & suddenly be in the middle of a shoot out.

just weeks ago a 4yr old was shot dead at a playground & i didn't see it all over cnn. i didn't see everyone saying how it was time for them to flee the city. if there ever was a reason to want to leave anywhere it'd be because children aren't safe at playgrounds anymore.

watching cnn report this shooting right now is almost sickening. she actually just said "the sound of a flatbed truck going over a manhole is enough to give people flashbacks of 9/11"...ummm that has NEVER happened to me...ever. i don't know what you're talking about lady on cnn but i actually feel pretty safe when i'm walking around the city.

according to the reports this man went after 1 person & ended up getting others in the process. within minutes he was shot dead by police officers.
that response time alone shows just how much safer nyc is now than it has ever been.

i think if this shooting had happened maybe 2 blocks over it wouldn't be news
but i think since this did happen in front of the empire state building that news sources everywhere were just waiting for the thumbs up that they could link this to terrorism and spend the next 10hours trying to scare everyone out of new york.

this post was originally going to be about some absurd new york related conversations i overheard on the "T" all week & about how this one guy actually tried to sum up new york city in the most stereotypical way possible...but all of that is really reflected in the reactions im seeing to this shooting that took place just hours ago.

new yorkers, in the grand scheme of things you guys are all relatively safe. 50 people are killed in chicago almost every weekend. that hasn't happened in new york city in a verrrrry long time.
this wasn't a terrorist attack. it seems it was actually a very isolated incident. despite what cnn wants you to think, you shouldn't be having 9/11 flashbacks right now.

as im typing this mayor bloomberg is on my tv screen saying that some of the victims were probably shot by nypd officers
so this isn't the mass shooting that the news would like you to believe it is.

it seems that 1 innocent bystander was killed and for that i am very very sorry

but lets not stereotype the entire city because of this...



*update*: cnn originally reported that 1 innocent bystander was killed this morning. that was obviously WRONG...much of what cnn reported initially was wrong actually...

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