Thursday, August 16, 2012

its been 2 weeks...

& if i could stay in this bed & watch season 1 of girls over & over & over & over...i would.

that has nothing to do with how my time here in boston is going
maybe it does.

if i was in new york what would i be doing right now?

1. i'd still be at work because that store doesnt close until 8pm & i'd still be there straightening bags & hating life
but its thursday so maybe i would be out going out or something after
maybe i'd just be going home to crawl into bed hoping to stay there until something amazing was going to happen.

i'm always waiting for something amazing to happen.

everyone keeps asking me the same thing "how are you liking it so far?"
& i honestly don't know. i have no answer for that. i don't think i've given it a chance yet. i've definitely spent more time in bed, in & out of sleep, watching sportscenter than i have been out & about trying to get to know this place.

i've gotten into this really bad routine of just: eat, sleep, work
that i told myself i wouldn't do because the entire point of this move was to escape complacency.

i have just a few more weeks before classes start & then who knows what i'll have time for
so i've got to get out of this funk.

obviously im a ball of emotions and feelings and blah and blah
obviously i've taken to eating those feelings.
im about 3/4 of the way through a rather large container of blue bunny birthday cake ice cream & i'm kind of scared for my health.

living on this 3rd floor will definitely help but seriously i need to stop because soon i won't be able to fit into any of my clothes & i really cant afford to buy any new ones

i hope my next post is a bit more informative/relate-able & a lot less rambling twenty something.


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