Thursday, November 1, 2012

dear november. . .

a new month!
don't you love it?
i started it byyyy...paying rent (my new nemesis) & waiting for the comcast guys
who restored my cable & internet & snapped me out of the daria-coma i've been in for 3 days.
it felt like weeks.
here i am complaining about the tree in my backyard taking out my 1st world privileges while there are people in all over the east coast with no where to live.

i'm just a product of society.

since my cable was out i didn't get to watch the 24hour news coverage of what was going on back home, but i got plenty of updates from friends & family and all I can say is that I am so glad I was not in new york to experience the "devastation" as my dad likes to refer to hurricane sandy, but I kind of wish i was there just to be able to survive that crazy storm with my city that I love so much, and miss so terribly.

i know a lot of people - both personally and via facebook - who doubted this storm, who criticized people who thought to get prepared and for those of them who are in the tristate area I hope they've learned to stop being so cynical and to take things a little bit more seriously
& for those here in boston where all we got was some wind and fallen trees & wires...we are very, very fortunate.

new york city will survive hurricane sandy, i'm not sure sure boston could have survived...


things I learned during my time off the grid?
that i'm more inclined to work on my assignments when I have nothing but my own chaotic thoughts to distract me.
and that
coming home to no internet is not exactly the end of the world.
it was nice in a way to know that I can survive being so disconnected


its national novel writing month & i haven't written a thing in yearssss and so i'm challenging myself to work on something. i'd love to see myself through on a short novel...maybe even something full length?
lets not get cray <--- thats crazy w/o the "z" check out the "NaNoWriMo" facebook page to participate! lets write books! & then publish them ourselves! because I know how to do that now!...or I will come the end of december


On monday when I lost my main connection to the outside world, I panicked and decided I couldn't possibly concentrate on homework...instead I decided to read for pleasure! it'd been soooo long since I was able to do that. I got through about 70 pages of NW by Zadie, but life has gotten in the way again. I need to make a conscious effort to spend time refreshing & reading in bed like I used to when I was 11.


i want so many things for november.


i'm going to get them????

what about you?

i'm really making a super conscious effort to give this blog some focus & not it being the rambly thoughts of a very confused twenty-four year old...
fashion is super over done
and i guess so is writing?
i'm fielding ideas!

come january this blog will evolve.