Saturday, February 18, 2012

that awkward moment when your yoga instructor plays "lost without you" by robin thicke...

...& downward dog loses its innocence.

i wonder how much time yoga instructors put into creating their playlists. some of them seem precise & deliberate while others sound rushed or typical. i think the music is one of the most important parts of practice. no, there does not have to be any music at all, but if there is it has to be right...don't ya think?
the wrong song can just throw your whole flow off...

so on my way home from class tonight i compiled a list of songs on my ipod that "yoga instructor ru" would have looping during a 60min class...

little dragon - twice
the almost - dirty & left out
caroline - drove me to the wall
amy winehouse - half time
matchbox 20 - 3am (piano acoustic)
caroline - all i need
frou frou - let go
zero 7 - in the waiting line
lemar - i believe in a thing called love (acoustic cover)*
culture club - victims
blonde redhead - pink love
frou frou - shh
jason mraz - who needs shelter
caroline - drove me to the wall**
john mayer - heartbreak warfare
kings of leon - pickup truck
tracy chapman - fast car
ok go - oh lately its so quiet
lydia - stay awake
lykke li - time flies
the dear hunter - 1878
phoenix - rome
the postal service - sleeping in
incubus - 11am
smashing pumpkins - 1979
sonic youth - superstar
the spice girls - 2 become 1***
sting & the buena vista social club - fragilidad
the temper trap - rest
tommy james & the shondells - crimson & clover
west indian girl - northern sky
blonde redhead - anticipation

im gonna spend some time putting this list into an order that flows & hopefully i'll use it one day when i have my yoga instructors license****

*stolen from a class i took on tuesday
** anything in bold is a personal fav
*** it would be the "lost without you" moment of my class
**** more about my yoga experience & my new desire to become a yoga instructor to come...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

& now...a valentine's day playlist.

did i seem overly bitter this valentine's day?
if so...i apologize. its just that i was watching the e! true hollywood story: ice-t & coco & well coco was 23 when she met ice-t & knew that she was ready to settle down & well ummm i turn 24 this year & ummmm yea! sooooo...where was i going with this?
so i was headed to yoga today & at first thought i would just skip through all the sappy/lovey dovey songs on my ipod that would most likely cause me to get off the train & jump onto the subway tracks BUT then i started compiling what i think is a pretty decent list of songs that will help anyone get through valentine's day whether you're hopelessly single or 2 months into the relationship that you think will last forever, but will actually be over by st patrick's day ::nods::

here goes!
1. the cardigans - junk of hearts
2. fall out boy - xo
3. alanis morissette - not the doctor
4. MIA - paper planes
5. janis joplin - i need a man to love me
6. the spice girls - something kind of funny
7. incubus - warning
8. the black kids - i'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you
9. chromeo - rage
10. paramore - conspiracy
11. saosin - bury your head
12. q-tip - you
13. the strokes - under cover of darkness
14*. head automatica - beating heart baby

this might seem like the most random list of songs ever, but they're all really awesome songs (in my opinion...& in the case of the spice girls: in the opinion of 12yr old rudine)

happy listening!

* 14 songs? get it? yea...

Monday, February 13, 2012

winter blues.

I've definitely got them.

& no, its not because i will be valentine-less tomorrow. i really have no problem being my own valentine. Who knows what i want better than ummm me? i'd like valentine's day themed cupcakes - lots of pink frosting & red sprinkles, a bag of original conversation hearts, & a box of wine to help forget that i'm sitting at home alone in bed with pink frosting all over my face & an empty bag of conversation hearts under my pillow ::nods::

so no its not valentine's day
its just

things i hate most about winter:

1. obviously the cold weather. yes, it has been kind of a mild winter & i've been able to wear my toms a lot more than i thought i would but still! on those days when its below 32 degrees??? BAHUMBUG.
2. snow! soooo fine okay again im complaining about something we havent really had much of! butttt i mean it kinda snowed a little and it was gross. the buses get gross, the subway smells even worse than it normally does and i can't wear my toms so! again i say BAHUMBUG
3. its just so dark & gray all the time. where is the sun dammit? its only 5pm...why is it so dark?
4. winter coats - just so bulky yet somehow they never seem to be warm enough. aren't you 90% down? why do i feel such a chill in my bones? also, what am i supposed to do with you when i'm in a bar or something? i'm definitely not paying for coat check & ummm no i will not leave my coat here while i bounce over there to mingle or fine - i guess i'll just say home & not meet my future husband who i was probably supposed to meet at the penny farthing last month but couldn't because i was home avoiding having to carry my coat around with me all night
5. i just end up wearing all the same things over and over because i mean no ones really going to see it anyway because i'm gonna have my coat on most of the time...most of my clothes go unworn & i miss them. i miss using my flannels as a sweater/jacket. i miss wearing my skirts & tanks & blah blah...

more things i miss about "not winter"?:

1. outdoor concerts/music festivals
2. park sitting & people watching for hoursssss
3. my straw fedora (i need a new one)
4. sandals
5. (more) food trucks
6. iced chais
7. rooftop bars
8. outdoor sitting at restaurants (where it is totally appropriate to consume multiple frozen margaritas)
9. short skirts/short shorts/dresses
10. milkshakes
11. the beach

i mostly just miss the adventures that summer days bring...i rarely ever know whats going to happen. i leave my house just to get outside & go from there & its great.
i feel so confined to this room, to this bed...

1 groundhog saw his shadow, 1 groundhog didn't. 1 is from PA, 1 is from NY...i think we all know who i'm going with!

is it spring yet?

oh & updates soon! i've got news to share...& no it isn't about grad school. they're still making me sweat it out...stay tuned!